$150.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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"Awaken Your Medicine" 5-day Shamanic Retreat (3 monthly payments)

Join me for the "Awaken Your Medicine" 5-day Shamanic Retreat from Wednesday, 7/17/24, 6 PM to Sunday, 7/21/24, 1 PM at Neal Creek Ceremonial Grounds near Scio, Oregon.

Picture 5 days of shamanic ceremonies including a Sweat Lodge, Medicine Wheel, and overnight Vision Quest by the banks of Bilyeu Creek on the forest lands of the Cascade Mountains.

What you'll get:

  • In-person spiritual retreat at Neal Creek Ceremonial Grounds near Scio, Oregon.
  • Ceremony and Community from Wednesday, 7/17/24, 5 PM to Sunday, 7/21/24, 1 PM.
  • Ceremonies include a Sweat Lodge, Medicine Wheel, and overnight Vision Quest.
  • Includes breakfast, lunch & dinner from Wednesday dinner to Sunday lunch.
  • Lodging will be tent camping. Hot showers and bathrooms are available onsite.

What People Are Saying:

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your Metamorphosis Weekend Workshop. It came at an ideal time for me after my breast cancer treatment was concluded. I was at loose ends wondering what I wanted to make of my life now. Your enthusiasm and conviction that we can make our dreams come true were contagious. I felt like you really loved each one of us as we are, and for whom we wanted to become, even though we did not know who that was. It felt like you were “in the trenches” pulling for us as much as we were for ourselves. You guided us in a very organized and emotionally safe environment. I felt like I could trust you with the “scary stuff”. You are obviously very experienced at helping people this way. And I really loved the ending. It seemed like you really believed that we were going to change our lives and you wanted to give us very practical daily techniques for making it happen. You took the whole weekend experience and reminded us it was real and that it was up to us. I just loved hearing you say “EXCELLENT” after everything we said. When you are making itty-bitty baby steps nothing feels better.

Norine Kruse