Individual Men's Coaching Sessions
Awaken Your Dynamic Masculine Energy
Own Your Personal Power
Initiate Your Spiritual Purpose
Every so often, you see a guy that moves with confidence and freedom.
While others are clamoring around, he somehow seems to know what to do. He just kind of steps right up and does his thing. Wherever he is, he seems to feel at ease- like he belongs there.
He seems to draw on some kind of purpose and guidance that most folks just don't seem to have access to.
Because he seems to know what he's doing, women are naturally attracted to him. And some men and non-binary folk are as well. All sorts of people seem to want to be around him.
And people just feel safe around him. Perhaps they figure, "The whole world's upside down and this guy seems to know what he's doing and where he's going. I'm with him."
Did you ever wonder what's different about guys like this? Or how you could get some of that working for you?
What if all the confidence and swagger you ever wanted are already inside you?
And what if all you really needed to access it was to have a safe place to tap into it?
We all have these abilities. They just need to be accessed and developed.
This is a distinction when it comes to accessing confidence, courage, and vitality. Instead of seeking something, you're allowing out something that's already a part of you.
It all begins with awakening the dynamic masculine energy from the depths of your being.
Pure masculine energy needs to be experienced directly. It happens easiest through primal experiences such as drumming, ceremony, and talking circles around the fire.
Once you connect with your dynamic male energy, qualities like confidence, strength, and charisma naturally become accessible.
Then it's just a matter of learning to trust them in the context of your purpose, career, and relationships.
Integrating dynamic masculine energy into your life changes everything.
You'll walk with confidence in your relationships and purpose in your life. And after you get a feel for it, it just flows out of you. It's a natural expression rather than something you have to muster or create.
And people respond to you differently. People take you seriously. Women are attracted to you. Men respect you. People feel safe around you.
This all happens energetically. People sense that your words and actions are coming from a different place. They come across as a natural strength and authentic confidence.
And finally, it's just a lot more enjoyable being you. You're no longer mired in all that self-doubt and self-consciousness. You learn to trust yourself. Life becomes an exciting adventure, rather than not something to get through.
Isn't it time for a new approach to life?
5 Essential Elements of Dynamic Masculine Energy
There are some essential elements that comprise dynamic male energy. In a sense, they are the key ingredients to embodying confidence and freedom.
Once you embody these elements within yourself, it's natural to extend them to all areas of your life. So the confidence and courage you've established within yourself provide a foundation to rely on it in your relationships, career, and everyday life.
1. Vitality
Dynamic male energy is full of life. It's passionate and it cares. When this dynamic energy is expressed, it creates new life. It transforms and energizes anything that it comes in contact with. People can feel it. They feel activated and engaged in its presence.
2. Confidence
Dynamic male energy is confident and self-assured. It believing in yourself. You see it in a basketball payer that wants the ball when the game is on the line.
This energy is developed by learning to trust yourself. This happens through experience, and in one sense, proving to yourself that you have good reason to confident.
3. Purpose
Purpose is knowing why you are in an experience- that you are there for reason. When you know your purpose actions are deliberate and intentional.
4. Courage
Contrary to common belief, courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, it's the strength and willingness to show up in spite of fear. Courage is the energy of a warrior who is willing to go whatever it takes to carry your heart's call for action. The warrior exhibits courage to feel fear and follow through anyway. The root of the word courage is "cor" – the Latin word for heart.
5. Reliability
You can count on someone with dynamic male energy. You can trust them to have your back. When they say something you know they stand behind it.
There are not many things you can count on in life, but your dynamic male energy is one of them. Reliability is not flashy. But it's the thing you want around when things matter most.
The Good News Is...
Bringing dynamic masculine energy into your daily life is totally possible.
If you’ve made it this far, you ALREADY know that integrating your dynamic male energy into your everyday life is critical to your happiness and your ability to truly enjoy life.
But maybe you didn’t know that by bringing your spiritual well-being into your life by participating in Men's Coaching Sessions you’ll be able to:
- Directly experience your dynamic masculine energy.
- Confidently stand in your personal power in your relationships, career, and everyday life.
- Identify the ways you give away your personal power.
- Discover your life purpose and spiritual gifts.
- Disempower the fear, beliefs, and patterns that block your purpose and dynamic masculine energy.
- Integrate your dynamic masculine energy into your relationships, career, and every aspect of your life.
YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you (whether you’re starting from scratch or hitting reset for the 10th time)...
... but they DO depend on taking a clear-cut, intentional approach.
One that is time-tested to be effective at guiding clients to fulfill and enjoy all the aspects of their lives for the past 35 years.
One that removes the obstacles to having love and purpose in your life.
One that provides accessible guidance and support every step of the way so you can integrate spiritual well-being and purpose into your relationship, career, and daily life.
And if you’re still with me, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to Individual Men's Coaching Session.
But first...
Michael Hoffman
I've been facilitating ceremonies, retreats, and coaching sessions for participants to directly experience their true nature and purpose for 35 years.
When I'm not playing the didgeridoo, exploring the Pacific Northwest, or rooting for the Minnesota Vikings, I'm facilitating coaching sessions and retreats for people to awaken courage and purpose in their lives.
I developed this approach to Men's Coaching as a place to directly experience your dynamic masculine energy so you can integrate it into your relationships, career, and everyday life.
So join me for the ultimate adventure of understanding your own dynamic nature so you can actually enjoy your life and feel good about what you offer to the world.

Word on the Street
"I left my job working with a hypnotherapy group to start my own practice. A little more than a month later my wife asked me for a divorce and my world was upended. I was completely unprepared for this.
That is when I called Michael Hoffman. My wife and I did several sessions with him, and though it did not change the outcome, it helped me to see the huge roll that I played in this disaster.
More importantly, it caused me to realize that I needed help, and that is when I began to personally work with Michael on a regular basis. He helped me to fully understand the relationship with my ex and to make necessary amends to her and within myself.
The real core of the work I did with Michael is seeing how I have always been looking outward to define myself. What I have found in working with him is that I already had the resources within me to actually create the changes I wanted to make. For me, this has been the pivotal change.
I have to say, Michael held my feet to the fire and that is what I really needed. He helped me get in touch with trusting my heart and moving from that place."

James Barfoot
Personalized individual sessions to awaken dynamic masculine energy and integrate it in your relationships, career, and daily life.
These in-person or Zoom sessions are a perfect place to directly experience your unique exression of dynamic masculine energy. This personlized work allows this energy to be applied to the particular circumstances of your relationships, career, and life.
It's designed for...
- People who know that is off in their love relationship, but are not sure what to do about it- or if there even is something they can do.Â
- People who feel trapped in a repeating pattern of dating emotionally unavailable or self-centered people when all you want is a deep, meaningful love relationship.
- People who are seeking deep emotional and spiritual intimacy and want to enjoy a spiritual partnership.
- People in a relationship going through a life transition like empty-nest or retirement and want to work with their partners to reinvent their relationship and reignite some passion and adventure. And...
- People who continue to struggle to bring the joy, well-being, and connection they experience in their spiritual practice into their relationships- ESPECIALLY their significant-other relationship. (There is nothing more painful than feeling lonely while you're in a relationship.)Â
The Result Is...
Individual Men's Coaching Session that give you a crystal clear roadmap for bringing clarity, love, and intimacy into your relationships, career and daily life.
Mastery #1: Awaken Your Dynamic Male Energy
This is where we’ll create a solid foundation. You will start by determining what is most important to you in your relationship and identifying the elements you would like to awaken in it.
Then I will guide you to establish relationship clarity by looking at your relationship exactly as it is, and then discerning what is about you and what is about your partner.
Here are the broad strokes of the first area of mastery:
- Directly Experience Your Dynamic Male Energy. This may have changed since you last checked. It's different because you are different. Time for an update! This provides an orientation for what you would like to create in your relationship (and perhaps who you'd like to create it with).
- Familiarize Yourself with the Sensation of Your Dynamic Male Energy. Perhaps it's the feeling of partnership and like you are truly in it together. Or the feeling of closeness and intimacy that you have always sensed is possible. Or maybe it’s being with someone that can love you exactly the way you are.
- Engage Your Dynamic Male Energy with People. Relationship clarity requires the willingness to objectively see your current or past relationship exactly as it is. It's asking yourself: How are we together? What is the nature of our relationship? How would I describe it to someone that never saw us together?
- Use Self-Inquiry to get to the Core of Your Dynamic Male Energy. Once you see your relationship as it is, you can continue to deepen your relationship clarity by clarifying the things in the relationship that are about you and the things that are about your partner.
Mastery #2: Own Your Personal Power
Here is where things get fun - and exciting :)
Now you’ve found relationship clarity and understanding of your relationship patterns, you can take things to a whole new level by bringing some of this newfound clarity and awareness into your actual relationship.
Here’s what you’ll soon be activating:
- Experience Your Personal Power. Even if you're creating a relationship with the partner you have been relating to, this is an opportunity to create a new, loving relationship with them. When you offer your intention, it activates this loving relationship in your life.
- Identify the Ways You Give Away Your Personal Power. There's no better way to learn about a loving relationship than doing it. In fact, it's the only way. I'll point you in the right direction, but the art of a loving relationship is learned via trial and error. But this is what you've been waiting for.
- Stand in Your Personal Power in your Daily Life. Your relationship patterns are usually associated with deep-seated fears and limiting beliefs. Becoming aware of fears such as the fear of intimacy allows you to disempower them which makes deep intimacy and loving relationship available to you.
- Initiation Ceremony to Activate Your Personal Power. Notice what works and what doesn't. Your best guide is to notice whether the things you try lead you to feel close or distant. Do they create connection or separation? And adjust. Repeat those that create connection and discard those that create separation.
Mastery #3: Initiate Your Spiritual Purpose
You’ve set your foundation! You identified the things truly want in your relationship and established some relationship clarity. You’re on a roll!
This second area of mastery is perhaps the most challenging and most powerful one of the bunch. The personal freedom and empowerment it creates in itself are easily worth the price of the sessions.
It requires rigorous honesty and courage to look at your relationship patterns. Once you see and understand these repetitive patterns, the rest of your transition to a loving relationship is inevitable. In this case, the truth really does set you free.
I will start the ball rolling by asking some questions and gently pointing some things out. You will participate in the investigation by looking at the things that have been holding you back. Challenging yes, but you can do this. We’re in it together!
Here are some of the things we will look at:
- Discover Your Spiritual Purpose. So now that you've begun to discern what is about you and what is about your partner in Session 1, let's focus on your side of the fence for a while. But not in a critical way, we are just looking to learn about how you are relating
- Identify Your Spiritual Gifts. These repetitive patterns rob you of your ability to choose what you want in your relationship because you do them over and over without realizing it. By becoming conscious of these patterns, you get the opportunity to choose something different.
- Disempower the Fear, Beliefs, and Patterns that Block Your Purpose. Your relationship patterns are usually associated with deep-seated fears and limiting beliefs. Becoming aware of fears such as the fear of intimacy allows you to disempower them which makes deep intimacy and loving relationship available to you.
- Initiation Ceremony to Activate Your Spiritual Purpose. Once you become aware of the patterns, fears and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, it only makes sense to release them away from yourself. I use personal ceremony to create a space where you can release these things and commit to a relationship with love and intimacy.
Mastery #4: Integrate Your Pure Masculine into Your Relationships
By this point, you have built a huge amount of self-awareness and intention. But now essential to experience some of that love and intimacy we've been talking about.
Ironically, many succumb to their resistance and stop here. But this is what I always wanted you might point out, but this is where it becomes real. Really real. It's where you share your heart and allow yourself to be loved.
While it's natural to feel uneasy being in new territory, let this be the grand adventure that it is. This is what you have been preparing for...
- Understand How to Apply your Pure Masculine Energy in Your Relationships. Together, you explore creating experiences to share and allowing others to naturally arise. Diversity is best. Fun experiences. Sad, formal, casual, adventurous, romantic, and practical experiences. Different experiences evoke different things. All the world's a stage. Â
- Identify your Relationship Patterns. Intimacy is about exposure and discovery. And you can lead by exposing how the various experiences that you share with your partner feel to you. You will inevitably feel vulnerable. That means you're on the right track.
- Introduce your Dynamic Masculine Energy into your Relationships. Now you can invite your partner to share how things feel to him or her. This is best orchestrated by having an inquisitive mind. It is finding that place of innocent curiosity where you truly want to know what it is like for him or her. And asking.
- Integrate your Dynamic Masculine Energy into Your Relationships. There's your world, their world, and the shared world. Spend time in each. Spending time in your world allows exposure. Time in theirs brings discovery. And your shared world is your special place. This blended place creates a space the world has never seen.
Questions People Asked Before Saying "YES" to Men's Coaching
1. I can tell this would probably work, but it just doesn’t seem like I should have to spend money to have people support me. Can't I just share with my friends?
2. If I start speaking my truth and getting more honest with people, will it threaten my relationships and livelihood?
3. Won’t the truth and openness of my spiritual nature migrate into the interactions of my everyday life naturally?
4. I've listened to podcasts on spirituality and relationships. I've watched Youtube and Instagram videos, listened to TED talks, and read books. How is this any different?
5. I don’t feel like I’m very good at talking in front of people. Are you sure this will work for me?
6. I want to do this, but I’m already spread wayyyy too thin. How much time is this gonna take?
7. Can you remind me of what I’m getting today when I enroll today?
Perhaps you'd prefer to work in a group in the Men's Circle Fire Ceremony.
Some people choose to do a combination of private sessions and the Men's Circle.
Still Undecided?
You know you're ready to awaken confidence and purpose in your life with Men's Coaching if...
1. You’re just starting to explore how to bring confidence and purpose into your life, and you want to make sure it plugs it into your life right out of the gates by using only the most powerful, personalized, and easy-to-follow strategies.
2. You’ve been trying to bring confidence and purpose into your life for months (or even years), but haven’t seen noticeable results in your life. If anything, the gap between being confident and what you've been experiencing has gotten wider.
3. You already KNOW the qualities you want in your life. Sure, you are open to some guidance and support in Men's Coaching to learn how to plug it in... but for the most part, you know what you want, and you are ready to enjoy it in your life.
4. You have no problem investing 3 hours per week as long as you know that every bit of time and energy you invest is an effective step forward in having confidence, purpose, and joy in your life.
5. In fact, you’re ALREADY investing lots of time and energy doing things like listening to podcasts, watching Youtube videos, and reading books.
The only problem is, without a supportive and interactive place to tie these ideas altogether, you are left wondering, “Is all this stuff really working?”
6. You want something that works: You have heard about or even tried men's circles or counseling before. You paid your money, invested the effort, (and worst of all, got hopeful), only to land back in the same lonely and unfulfilling place.
You want a program that actually results in experiencing some noticeable confidence and self-assuredness in your life.
7. You can actually envision the confident and self-assured you that will come to life once you add some guidance and support. You can see what it would be like to feel comfortable in your own skin. You’ve always known it was possible.
8. You’re excited to try Men's Coaching. Even if you’ve been side-tracked and let down before, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed optimism.
You realize that by this time next week, you can begin your journey toward enjoying friendships, work, and relationships in a more natural way.
If you caught yourself nodding your head to at least 5 of the 8 points above, then I absolutely cannot wait to meet you in a Men's Coaching session.
Perhaps you'd prefer to work in a group in the Men's Circle Fire Ceremony.
Some people choose to do a combination of private sessions and the Men's Circle.