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What is life saying to you? Jun 16, 2024

The edge of our consciousness is where life is trying to communicate with us to help us understand new things about ourselves and life. 

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The Dynamic Energy of Summertime May 27, 2024

Video Summary:

There was a drastic change in the weather here in Ashland, Oregon, and the Pacific Northwest about three weeks ago. It went from being 55 degrees, cloudy, and rainy to being about 80 degrees and sunny. I called it instant summer, and you could really see its effect on...

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The Abundance that is here. May 15, 2024

Video Summary:

I recently got a hotel on the beach in Crescent City with a balcony looking out over the ocean. I poured a glass of wine and said myself “Life is good.” Until… I got on my laptop and noticed the internet was not working. After calling the front desk it...

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Live Your Dream in the Present Apr 30, 2024

Video Summary:

My teacher shared a teaching with me that stated when we have a dream or intention, our mind creates a picture of it that we walk toward to create it in our lives. It continues that we need the picture to envision the dream, but at some point, it's necessary to let go of...

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Requisite Strength Apr 23, 2024

Video Summary:

The best intentions are lofty and ambitious. You’re asking for something that you've never allowed yourself to have or even to consider. It may be the relationship, true purpose, or spiritual community you've always dreamed of. You’ve stretched yourself to even say...

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Accept you as you are Apr 16, 2024

Video Summary:

One of our greatest emotional and spiritual needs is for people to accept us for who and what we are. This functions when we're authentic, vulnerable, and exploring an unconscious aspect of ourselves, and there are people who are able to accept that part of us.

The good news...

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Unwavering Trust Apr 07, 2024

Video Summary:

There were six of us around a fire doing ceremony in Cardiff Fork, Utah approximately 37 years ago. One of the participants asked my spiritual teacher, “What’s the difference between you and me?” I suspect she wanted to understand the difference between his...

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