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Guided Meditation Journeys

For those who understand that the most adventurous journey of all is inside yourself.

Experience your spiritual truth for yourself.

There are so many spiritual books, and workshops, and teachers that are articulating amazing spiritual truths

But at some point, it becomes essential to experience your spiritual truth and awakening for yourself.

For thousands of years, we've been relying on a go-between to communicate with God or Spirit.

Go-betweens might include priests, shamans, or other religious and spiritual teachers.

In some religions and spiritual traditions, the priests and religious leaders actually doled out the spiritual teachings to those that had proven themselves to be worthy. 

And in current times, we still carry residual conditioning and self-worth issues that obstruct us from directly connect with God.

Perhaps the true role of spiritual teachers and shamans is to orchestrate experiences for you to directly connect with spirit and life.

Guided meditation is a powerful vehicle to experience your spiritual truth and guidance directly. 

Experiencing direct spiritual truth and guidance is a matter of accessing spaces that already exist inside yourself.

An effective and firest way to do this is by opening up our chakras or spiritual centers and then following a guided meditation journey to experience these spaces.

Isn't it time you experienced your spiritual truth and guidance directly?

The Good News Is...

Experiencing your spiritual truth and guidance is totally possible.

By participating in Guided Meditation Journeys, you can access the beautiful and powerful spiritual spaces inside yourself that are just waiting for you to awaken them. You will:

  • Access various spiritual and human resources such as spiritual connection, intuition, openness, empathy, speaking your truth, clear perception, and becoming aware of what is awakening and changing inside yourself.
  • Meet spirit guides, power animals, and small still voice that lie within you.
  • Experience your chakras and or spiritual energy centers and the gifts that lie inside them. Access clear perception in the third eye chakra, speaking your truth in the throat chakra, intuition in the solar plexus chakra, and openness and empathy in the heart chakra.. 

YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you. No meditation experience is necessary to get value from these journeys. "Beginners mind" is actually encouraged.

... but they DO depend on knowing how to access the spaces inside yourself.

If this seems fascinating to you (like it does me), then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to the Guided Meditation Journeys.

But first...


Michael Hoffman

I have been leading guided meditations for clients, friends, and myself to receive pure spiritual guidance for 35 years.

When I'm not attending meditation retreats, enjoying nature, or rooting for the Minnesota Vikings, I'm creating personal programs for people to awaken their spiritual well-being and purpose into their daily lives.

I do this by guiding and supporting people to directly experience their spiritual connection and truth for themselves.

I developed these guided meditation journeys as a way to access the spiritual spaces, truth, and connection that already exist inside yourself.

So join me on an epic adventure to explore and discover the beauty that awaits you inside your limitless being.

Word on the Street

"Mike Hoffman’s “Communication with Self” class series was not only fascinating but very helpful to me.  My dreams usually make no sense to me and sometimes can be downright scary.  I usually try to forget them. 

Mike’s class explained in a very clear, logical way that the symbolism I took to mean I was a “weirdo”  should not be dismissed but should instead be used as a way of understanding my emotions and what’s going on inside. 

If you are confused or uncertain about something that’s going on in your life, your dreams can help you figure out what the best course of action is for you.  All you need to do is understand the symbolism and apply it to your own life. 

It’s very enlightening and gave me a sense of relief to know that I now have a tool I can use to help me make decisions based on my true inner feelings.  Thanks Mike!"

   Midge Geston



A guided inner exploration of the spiritual spaces, truths, and guidance that await you to discover them inside yourself. 

I’ve invested the last 35 years interpreting dreams for clients and friends to get to the heart of the clear guidance their inner consciousness is communicating to them.

I was trained by an enlightened teacher that drew on Jungian symbolism and spiritual traditions to translate the spiritual guidance our dreams are communicating to us.

Here are the broad strokes of the Dream Interpretation Group:

  • Understanding the inner landscape that awaits you: We start our inner journey with a brief introduction of the spaces that we will be exploring.
  • Following a Guided Meditation Journey Inside Yourself: All you have to do is position yourself in a place where you can relax and follow my voice for about 25 minutes. No meditation experience is necessary to get value from these journeys. "Beginners mind" is actually an advantage.
  • Sharing Your Experience to understand the significance of what you've experienced: Sometimes the things we experience are more profound or significant than we may realize. Understanding the spiritual experience you have had allows you to integrate it into your life more readily. Other times the truth or guidance speaks for itself.
  • Building the familiarity and confidence to revisit and deepen these spaces on your own: One of the primary intentions of these journeys is to awaken these spaces inside yourself so you can return to them on your own to deepen and further explore them. Once you realize they are there, it's just a matter of remembering and revisiting them.

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