Choice and Control
Sep 12, 2023Video Summary:
I want to continue with setting an intention and then letting go of controlling the outcome. Specifically, I want to look deeper into control because I think it's really misunderstood. When I talked about the downside of control last week, I was very specific. We want to let go of controlling the outcome.
But that's only part of what we’re doing when we create things. We are setting an intention, and then we're letting go of controlling the outcome. We do need to take control of setting an intention and taking action. We don't typically call it control, but we definitely choose an intention and take action.
And hopefully, we make a conscious and free choice when we set our intention. It’s a free choice because it’s not an unconscious choice that's made from our conditioning. If we don't stay conscious, our conditioning makes the choice for us.
So we want to bring conscious awareness to the choices we make when we set an intention. We resist the automatic pilot of making an unconscious choice because when we do that, we're usually making them from our conditioning.
Intention is not just setting an intention to energetically create things. Intention also means taking action. My action is intention. When I allow energy in an experience, I get my call for action and act on that. That's an intention. Intention includes the choices we make in our day-to-day experiences.
We make unconscious choices when we go on automatic pilot and do things out of habit. We defer our choice by not making a choice. We go along with the situation and make choices out of obligation. We make passive choices when we don't want to hurt our friends' feelings. We don't speak our truth.
We receive a call for action and know the truth, but we don't make the choice because we don't want to hurt someone's feelings or we're afraid of what will happen. Or we don't want to take responsibility for what will happen. With the codependency and patterns that we have, we simply go along with things.
But then what part of us is in control? Who is the captain of the ship? Is it the codependent, not wanting to hurt people's feelings and wanting people to like us? Or are we willing to deal with what’s in front of us and make a choice?
We could choose what we want to do and what we’re drawn to. We could say to ourselves, “I'm going to stand up and make a choice. I'm going to choose to be in this experience because I want to be here, right, wrong, or indifferent. I choose to go to work because it brings livelihood for my family.”
If I'm making a conscious choice, I can be all in with both feet. I can be in a relationship because I want to be, not because I believe it's the only person that will like me, or I don't want to hurt their feelings. I am there because it brings me joy. That's a very different intention than feeling obligated or going along with things.
What often happens is we defer our choice and therefore defer control. We make an unconscious choice and then because it wasn't the choice we really wanted to make, we try to control the outcome so we can try to get something we want or need out of it.
Alternatively, you can make a conscious, free choice. Choose something that you want and courageously say, “I choose this.” Create an intention, take action, and then surrender control of the outcome and see what happens. Allow the universe to partner with you to provide the mystery of the outcome.