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One of our greatest emotional and spiritual needs is for people to accept us for who and what we are. This functions when we're authentic, vulnerable, and exploring an unconscious aspect of ourselves, and there are people who are able to accept that part of us.
The good news...
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We're almost through January and 2024 is predicted to be a wild year according to astrologers, psychics, and prognosticators. It's an election year and we have wars going on, climate change and weather events, economic challenges, border problems, and a Congress that...
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The invitation of this spiritual inquiry is to consider whether each of the things presented is something that's outside of you, inside of you, or both. Do you experience it outside of yourself or inside of yourself?
I want to apply this to a few things. The first of which is...
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As we grow as human beings we move through different levels of consciousness. Piaget’s developmental psychology described moving from the concrete operational stage with black-and-white thinking to the formal operational stage with gray thinking. This is moving...
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Many of the Aboriginal and Native American cultures have some concept of a spiritual gift that you offer your people. It might be called your medicine in Native American cultures or your dreaming in the Aboriginal people of Australia. Your medicine is your spiritual gift that...
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When we're not consciously choosing what we do and how we move through life, we act from our old patterns, belief systems, and conditioning. So if we're not conscious and aware of something, chances are we're on automatic pilot and being governed by our old belief system....
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The summer solstice, also known as the first day of summer, happens this Wednesday, June 21st. The summer solstice is a big deal in earth-based, aboriginal cultures. It marks the time that the dynamic energy of summertime and long days hit their peak.
I like to talk about...
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When we go through a significant change in our lives our spiritual orientation changes. What I mean by spiritual orientation is where we see the world from and what part of our mind and being are we using to navigate the world.
An example includes moving from an intellectual,...
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A couple of weeks ago I talked about receiving your vision for the new cycle of your life and last week about offering an intention to initiate it. When you offer your intention, it creates a partnership with life or Spirit, and then Spirit will open doorways for something...
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I was at a spiritual retreat given by the spiritual teacher, Adyashanti about five years ago. Somehow when you're in retreat, the spiritual truths get in at a deeper level. Somewhere around day three or four Adyashanti spoke about all spiritual teachings being either ascending...
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I want to talk about authority in the sense of where we look for direction in our life. Where do we look for decisions and how to live our lives? My observation is that we tend to look for authority outside of ourselves. In our culture, authority is often a relational...