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As If Aug 05, 2024
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The Dynamic Energy of Summertime May 27, 2024

Video Summary:

There was a drastic change in the weather here in Ashland, Oregon, and the Pacific Northwest about three weeks ago. It went from being 55 degrees, cloudy, and rainy to being about 80 degrees and sunny. I called it instant summer, and you could really see its effect on...

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Live Your Dream in the Present Apr 30, 2024

Video Summary:

My teacher shared a teaching with me that stated when we have a dream or intention, our mind creates a picture of it that we walk toward to create it in our lives. It continues that we need the picture to envision the dream, but at some point, it's necessary to let go of...

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Requisite Strength Apr 23, 2024

Video Summary:

The best intentions are lofty and ambitious. You’re asking for something that you've never allowed yourself to have or even to consider. It may be the relationship, true purpose, or spiritual community you've always dreamed of. You’ve stretched yourself to even say...

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Inside Out Mar 24, 2024

Video Summary:

Happy spring. I want to contrast two ways of creating the life we would have for ourselves in this coming year: inside-out creating and outside-in creating. I'll start with outside-in because it’s the primary way we were taught to create things things in...

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Risking Disappointment Mar 13, 2024

Video Summary:

We are approaching the first day of spring and Spring Equinox. It’s a time of new beginnings on the Medicine Wheel. Spring Equinox ceremonies often revolve around creating an intention to offer to Spirit to co-create something that you would like to awaken and unfold in...

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Redirecting Your Warrior Energy Jan 24, 2024

Video Summary:

Warrior energy is pure dynamic energy. It is active, yang energy. Sometimes it may be referred to as pure masculine energy which works if it describes the energy independent of the male gender.

Warrior energy was developed in tribal cultures such as the Samurai and the Native...

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Specific Intention Dec 26, 2023

Video Summary:

Happy belated Winter Solstice- it happened on December 21st. To me, the Winter Solstice is about the first light. It's a celebration of the light. This is a little paradoxical because the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. But it's a celebration of the...

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Intermediate Doorways Sep 25, 2023

Video Summary:

Collaborative creation is when we offer an intention, it interacts with Spirit or the universe, and then Spirit offers doorways and experiences that allow our intention to unfold and take form in our lives. In contrast, willful creation is when we envision a specific goal in...

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Choice and Control Sep 12, 2023

Video Summary:

I want to continue with setting an intention and then letting go of controlling the outcome. Specifically, I want to look deeper into control because I think it's really misunderstood. When I talked about the downside of control last week, I was very specific. We want to let...

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Letting Go of Controlling the Outcome Sep 05, 2023

Video Summary:

This is a continuation of the last blog about offering an intention and then surrendering the form of that intention to the universe. If I want to be a part of a community, I might say, “Hey, I want a community with these qualities.” Then it's allowing the...

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Inconceivable Aug 29, 2023

Video Summary:

Have you ever noticed how some of the coolest things in our lives just come out of nowhere? It was like the universe just said, “Here you go.” We weren't looking for it, and then there it was. If we walked it back, we probably had an intention of "I'd like to have...

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