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One of our greatest emotional and spiritual needs is for people to accept us for who and what we are. This functions when we're authentic, vulnerable, and exploring an unconscious aspect of ourselves, and there are people who are able to accept that part of us.
The good news...
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Happy new year, happy 2024. It's the perfect time of year for new promptings, visions, and glimpses of your new life to come to you. It could be things that you'd like to have in your life. It might be: “I'd like to get to know him/her/them better,” “I'd like...
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The holidays are a big deal at the emotional level. We can rationalize our way out of this. We can be a Scrooge. We can say the holidays are no big deal. It's just another day. I work the holidays. I've heard all of these and used most of them. I found out the hard way that...
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The Medicine Wheel moves through the seasons of the year. The east represents springtime where we initiate our new intention for the year. We develop and learn about that in the south and summer. The west and fall are where we harvest and glean value from the things we...
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The term sacred circle comes from the shamanistic tradition that I've practiced for years. Our sacred circle is the place where we hold our preciousness, beauty, and the things that are most important to us. It includes things that matter most to us and that we care a lot...
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I encourage people to walk with their hearts open. It's a big ask as it can be emotionally painful. We’re living in a world that can break your heart. Just following the news and working in a hospital, my heart gets broken on a daily basis. So how do you walk with your...
Video Summary:
I suspect a lot of you watching this video have worked with being more authentic, true to yourself, and speaking your truth. When you're true to yourself and what you're feeling, you can act from that place. It takes a lot of courage to be yourself, especially in our culture...