Community-Based Purpose
Feb 27, 2022Video Blog Transcription:
So last week I spoke about community, and I want to continue that discussion- specifically as it relates to spirituality and spiritual purpose. The best illustration of this is in the Aboriginal cultures- the Native American cultures of North and South America, the aboriginals, and the quote, primitive cultures. These shamanistic spiritualities really have this down.
And you have to think about it- they were living in clans, and so their spirituality was all based on community. So when you went on a vision quest, a walkabout, or a medicine journey, and sought your spiritual gift or your spiritual purpose, it was always in the context of what it would do for your people.
With the native traditions here in North America, all the native names mean “the people”. And so when you sought your medicine or your gift, it was always in terms of what it did for your people. It was viewed as, “This is my medicine, and I do it because it can heal the people or it makes the people stronger.”
The intention of your spiritual purpose is grounded in community. And I guess this is somewhat obvious. Of course, your spiritual purpose is gonna uplift other people, but in these cultures, the community was the number one thing. It wasn't the individual. So their whole consciousness was “we based”- it was what's best for the people.
So when I thought about my life and my put back, it was like, “What is best for my people? What makes sense? I have these gifts. I'm good at some things and not as good at others, so what's my best gift for the people?” And then that spirituality is grounded.
You're also speaking the same language as spirit or the universe because my truth is it's we-based too. This whole idea that I'm this individual, separate person is something that's really in our minds. Life is not really like that. At least that's my truth. I don't know what yours is. So this really adds a lot.
It helps us to find a clear intention for our spiritual purpose, for our gift, for the work we do, for the way we make a difference. So then when we do sit down, maybe we don't go on a vision quest or a walkabout, but when we go out into nature or do a marketing workshop about how I'm gonna market my gift or talent, it's based on the people.
And so then I can receive my vision or have a spiritual awakening, and it's in terms of, “Now that I've awakened this, now I can make my people stronger. And this is the best way your vision, your spiritual calling, or your spiritual purpose can make your people stronger.
And so Spirit is saying, if you will, when we receive our visions, “Well, you have these gifts. So it makes sense that you offer this medicine, this spiritual gift to these people.
And keep in mind too, if we go back to those Aboriginal cultures, there might have been a hundred people in their clan. Well, they weren't all shamans, right? I mean a lot of us want to be the shaman and that's great, but there are other gifts that are equally as important. They may not be as cool as sexy, but they're all important.
It's just important to be a spiritual leader who is in charge of the food or who's in charge of the children and the teaching. All of those things are a spiritual purpose. And so it's all grounded in community. So my invitation to you is as you consider your spiritual gift or purpose is to have that intention be community-based.
My prayer would be, “Show me how I can best serve my people.” Carry that prayer for a while, and I guarantee it'll shift your life if you're not carrying that prayer already. It's all about intention, and that makes just all the difference in the world.
That's my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have an awesome week and that you consider your people, how you might best serve them, and how your spiritual purpose can make them stronger. I will see you in a week.