Go to the Well
Nov 27, 2022Video Summary:
I've been noticing a tendency for us to evaluate ourselves based on how other people respond to us. This really becomes critical when we're being honest, speaking our truth, being vulnerable, and having a new view of something.
When we offer this new view, we look into people's eyes and at their facial expressions to see if they agree that the idea is good. The challenge is that our most innovative and powerful ideas and expressions of our authentic selves are often the most radical and out-of-the-box.
When people are hearing our new idea for the first time, it might feel radical or threatening to them. It may be out of their comfort zone, and because of that, they may have hesitation in their eyes and facial expression. And then we may translate it as it must not be a good idea and not continue with it.
Perhaps the real problem is that we're looking for approval because we don't believe the new idea ourselves yet. The solution may lie in not offering our ideas as a question, but rather as, “This is how I see it, this is my idea.” We could say it strongly and pull up some trust and confidence.
And of course, we do notice how people respond and get their feedback, but it's more just a realization that they might not like my new idea. Then we can go back to the well. By that I mean we can go back inside and ask ourselves some really important self-inquiry questions.
Inquiry questions such as: Where did that idea come from? Was I speaking my truth? Is this an authentic expression of my true nature? Did that come from my intuition? Is that my call to action? Did this idea come from that place?
And then allow that to be the evaluation. Then you don't have to bail on your innovative idea. Stick with it and realize that this is possibly such a good idea that people aren't able to embrace it right away. You allow them to have their response to your new idea.
You allow the gift that you offered them to have its natural effect, to have its healing and growth-inducing process. In time, they may come around to appreciating your idea or they may not. But that's okay because you were in your integrity. You offered your truth without editing it or bailing on it. You offered your natural gift.