Healing Emotional Wounds
Jan 02, 2023Video Summary:
Another aspect of this time of introspection over the winter is that it's a really opportune time for healing. When our heart is open and we're allowing energy in, we may get triggered or spun out. We go into our stuff. We get may get angry, scared, reactionary, or judgmental.
You could think of it as we're allowing energy in and it hits a wound. When someone says or does something that hurts our feelings, rubs us the wrong way, or offends us, it may be an indication that it hit an emotional wound.
There's a real tendency for us to project our pain onto the person we’re interacting with thinking they were insensitive and hurt our feelings. And that may be true, but it's also an opportunity for us to discover something inside of us. From a healing perspective, it’s a prime opportunity to heal a wound.
We can do some self-inquiry, and ask ourselves questions like, "What spun me out? What made me mad? What hurt my feelings? What made me sad?” And we can inquire into the nature and core of the wound. We can look at it and allow ourselves to feel it which is a big part of the healing.
You can think of this in terms of it healing a wound in our inner child. You can reassure him or her by saying “It's okay, I will keep you safe." Give that wounded part of you a voice. Put your arm around your child and go for a walk saying, “Tell me all about it.“ Just listen, nurture, and empathize with him or her.
Even if your intellectual mind knows that there's some distorted thinking going on, you’re not addressing that right now. We're allowing the distorted thinking to be there if that’s how the wounded part of you is experiencing it. Invite that part of you to tell you how it's unfair or how she was mean.
Just say, “I know, that was so mean of her to treat you that way.” And let the healing happen.