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Heart to Heart with Spirit

Jun 25, 2023

Video Summary:

When I speak about intention, I like to refer to it as a partnership with life. In other words, I offer this intention and then life and I am collaborating to unfold that intention into my life. I used the word life when I wrote my book, but it can be Spirit, the universe, God, Jesus, your Buddha nature, or your higher self.

This relationship with spirit is perhaps one of the most fundamental relationships that we have. When we go to risk, or step out of our comfort zone, really becomes vital to rely on that. It gets into trust. That is trusting spirit, trusting life so that when I let go something's got my back.

For example, when I was younger and did ceremony with my teacher, we might be at a summer solstice gathering sitting around a fire. It would be time to let go, and it felt like I was at the edge of the cliff. I would look across the circle into his eyes and say, “If I do this, do you have my back?

And he would just smile and say, "Yes, I got you." And I could feel that he did. And what I was saying was, "If this goes south, are you going help put me back together again? At the time, I was relying on him, but as my spirituality matured, I learned to do that with Spirit, and I could feel a sense that Spirit had my back.

The deeper we can trust Spirit the more powerful our intention, ceremony, healing work, or intuitive work. Some of my healer friends invite their guides in to help with the healing. If I’m doing intuitive work when I do sessions, it's not just me. I'm allowing intuitive guidance to come through me. It's collaborative.

This shows up in a big way when we're considering stepping out of our comfort zone and taking a risk. A risk might be falling in love or reinventing my life. Earlier in life, when we risked, we may have gotten our hearts broken or got betrayed.

What often happens in our Judeo-Christian culture is that betrayal gets projected onto God or Spirit. I trusted and let go. And then I got hurt, someone else got hurt, or something bad or painful happened. I got my heart broken. I trusted, and God and life let me down.

So if we're creating a relationship with Spirit, we may have some unfinished business with Spirit. I'm asking you to trust spirit, and you may think, “Hold on dude. The last time I trusted Spirit, it didn't go so well.” So I'm inviting you to come to terms with Spirit.

I call them Job moments. I envision Job throwing his hands up in the air and saying, “WTF God, I did everything you said, and yet all these bad things are happening.” It almost feels sacrilegious in that we're challenging God. But in essence, we're being honest with God. We're being honest with Spirit.

And my experience is that Spirit respects that and responds to it. In the Bible, God seemed to respect that. I mean, he set Job straight a little bit, but then after that, everything went deeper. Job had this ironclad relationship with God, and they did all kinds of powerful things together.

If we were burned, hurt, betrayed, or had our heart broken, and something went really wrong, maybe it's time to have a heart-to-heart with Spirit. And just say, "You know what, I want to go deeper, but the last time I went deep, it didn't go so well. So what's up with that? How did that happen?"

So my invitation to you is to do some inquiry about when you fell in love, let go, or deeply trusted someone and you were betrayed by them in a fundamental way. Is that wound or fear still there?

And this honest relationship with Spirit can be ongoing. I love having an ongoing dialogue with Spirit. You might say to spirit, “That wasn't fun, that didn't go well.” Or, "Help me out here. I did not see that coming. What's up with that? What happened here?"

"And it doesn't have to be a Job moment. It can be gratitude. You might say, “Thank you. That went so much better than I thought. You had my back.” Acknowledging when it works is really powerful. You are saying, "Give me more of that. Continue to have my back so I can go deeper and risk more."

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