Introspection not Isolation
Nov 08, 2021Video Blog Transcription:
So most of us have recently experienced the time change, or at the very least we've experienced the days getting shorter. Late fall and winter are coming our way.
And what I've noticed about myself this year, even more than most, is there's a little bit of this uneasiness and worry that has me wondering, “Uh oh, are we going into another COVID winter?” Because last winter I ended up being pretty isolated as I was living by myself, so I’ve been feeling, “I don't want to do that again.”
And part of this of course is natural. In my tradition with the medicine wheel or the wheel of life, we call the winter the time of introspection.
Because what happens is, in the summer, when the days are long, there's lots of light and we're naturally looking outward. It's external, we're out doing things, it's summertime, we're traveling, and things are more focused on looking out.
And as the days get shorter, our visual reference or scope starts coming in. The days are shorter. It's dark more. So visually we're not able to look out as much, and we're kind of sitting with ourselves more.
And there's a lot of good to this. It's a time that we can reevaluate our life. We can feel some things that we may have been distracted from with our busyness and activity of the summer. And there's a lot of value to be had.
So what I started doing, probably in my nervousness or fear, is reaching out more. I figured, I better start being a little more social here. It's not time to be isolated, Mike. So I started doing some things. I started going to some yoga classes, I'm in a meditation group, and I started getting out in the world more.
And what happened is I found some things, even regularly, like on Monday nights, I go to a yoga class, and I found myself with almost like a winter schedule, if you will. And it really kind of just ease this nervousness or this uneasiness, eased the uneasiness.
Because I'm seeing now and almost proving to myself that I can go through this winter without being isolated. I can still get the value of that time of introspection. There's still gonna be long nights where I'm sitting by myself. And I'll get to feel deeply and re-evaluate, and sort out what's working and what's not working.
I'll still get that value, but I don't have to do it alone. I don't have to be isolated. Which is kind of nice, and now I'm much more welcoming of winter coming in. It's like, “I can do this.” And it seems like, you never quite know with COVID, but it seems like we're going to get to interact a little more than we did last winter.
And I really like, when you can, COVID willing, I really like the personal interaction. Like the Zoom has been great, right? I mean, I do sessions and meetings on Zoom. We do meditations. I'm part of groups. It's wonderful, but there's nothing that quite replaces the personal interaction.
That live interaction, where you're in each other's presence, you could possibly have a hug. You're having this live interaction, you get the full body language and everything's there. I really think that's irreplaceable, and it's a really vital part of being human and being part of a community.
And so what I'm going to do and what I'm suggesting that maybe you consider doing as well is seeing if you can have some safe interaction, even beyond your family. I think it would go a long way.
I'm coming from the emotional perspective, maybe not as much the total health perspective, but emotionally and spiritually, I recommend that live interaction.
I really miss doing retreats when we used to do these workshops and, doing ceremony together and meditation. Hopefully, we can bring that back in the spring, because that's where the good work happens.
Good work happens on Zoom as well, certainly, and we do Zoom workshops and Zoom sessions and sharing circles, and that's great.
But, there's nothing that quite replaces that interaction and that being with friends, and breaking bread together and being part of a community and laughing and smiling, and playing, and whatever you do, seeing movies and being in each other's space.
So anyway, that's what I'm intending to do this winter as much as I can. I'm even a bit of an introvert. It's amazing, even being an introvert, I'm like coming out a little more. I'm not going to be a total introvert this winter. It's amazing what a little loneliness can do.
It is a time that loneliness can set in, and so please reach out, make sure you've got some family and some friends and some community to interact with, so you can enjoy life with someone. We used to say in my tradition that human beings are herd animals; we're not meant to be alone.
So find your herd, find your people, and enjoy yourself this winter and for the holidays. And again, be safe, but as much as you can enjoy yourself with your people.
So anyway, that is my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have an awesome week and that you're able to interact and be out in the world and enjoy each other's company. And I will see you in a week.