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Intuitive Learning

Jan 09, 2023

Video Summary:

Intuitive learning is the learning of the body. This becomes useful as we start going through life with an open heart allowing ourselves to feel and trust our intuition. With intuitive learning, the body is learning by getting a feel for it rather than learning with our intellect.

We were conditioned in grade school to learn with intellectual learning. Unless we were learning to play a musical instrument, in the woodshop, or figuring things out, we weren't doing much intuitive learning where we were getting a feel for things.

Intuitive learning primarily works through trial and error. We learn through trying things. We make a mistake, and then try a little more of this and a little more of that until we get it right. And that’s how we get a feel for it.

The dream interpretation class I facilitate provides an example. We begin interpreting a dream by drawing on the intellectual knowledge of the symbolism. From there we work with the dream until we get an intuitive feel for it. It's a messier process, but in the end, you get an interpretation that feels right to you.

Intuitive learning can be challenging for us perfectionists. Trial-and-error means there's an error part, which means we have to make mistakes. We may have been conditioned to not make mistakes or screw up, but rather to be competent and get it right. We have to be willing to fumble through things a bit.

It's a practice. If we have a meditation, tai chi practice, or yoga practice, we're learning to get a feel for it. And we're making mistakes all the time and learning from them. So from this perspective, mistakes aren't bad. They're part of the process.

It's the Goldilocks thing which says, "Too hard, too soft, just right." We experience this in interactions by being a little too assertive, not assertive enough, and then finding balance. While learning to be in our personal power, it may at first come out too strong and then a little too wimpy, and then it feels just right.

Intuitive learning works really well for intimacy and relating to people. It also works really well for art, playing a musical instrument, doing ceremony, and doing energy work. These are more arts than sciences meaning you learn by intuitively feeling your way through them until you get a feel for them.

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