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Letting Go of Controlling the Outcome

Sep 05, 2023

Video Summary:

This is a continuation of the last blog about offering an intention and then surrendering the form of that intention to the universe. If I want to be a part of a community, I might say, “Hey, I want a community with these qualities.” Then it's allowing the universe and its infinite wisdom and abundance to supply the form.

This all sounds great until you try to do it. It can be challenging because you have to give up control of the outcome. We often manage our fear and insecurity by controlling the outcome. The insecurity may come as the belief and fear that something bad is going to happen if I don't control the situation.

When I'm trying to control something, specifically control the outcome, there's usually fear involved. And fear is future-based so it often presents as the fear of what's going to happen. The solution we often come up with is: If I can control the outcome, I reduce the risk and danger of the fear.

So I often unconsciously set it up so I can control what's going to happen. This is limiting because it's assuming that I know what's best for the outcome. As it turns out, the universe is much better than I am at providing the outcome. I'm going to get better outcomes if I let go and let the universe provide them.

The universe has the wisdom and ability to see beyond the illusions of time and space, our belief systems, and our fears. So if we partner with the universe, offer an intention, and let it provide the outcome, we're going to get much better outcomes. This is exactly the opposite of what our mind tells us.

So how do we get over this hurdle, this fear? The only way I know is to try it and prove that you can get better outcomes by letting go of control. And that terrible things will not necessarily happen. In fact, they may happen less.

I trained intensively with a shaman for four years. A large part of the training involved him taking control of the outcome away from me. I proved to myself that I didn't need to be in control of things to get good outcomes. I got used to not being in control.

It may be your job to get good outcomes. You may be trained to control the outcome to get results, and I understand that. But even then, if we create an intention, point the boat in the right direction, and then let go, we're going to get better outcomes. This has legs in business as well.

We start by offering an intention, disciplining ourselves to let go of the outcome, and observing what happens. And when bad stuff doesn't happen, acknowledge it. Say to yourself, “Hmm, I let go of control and it actually turned out better than I thought it would."

Once you believe that you can get good results by letting go of controlling the outcome, you're free. Then you don't need to control anything or anyone. You can create intentions, create the conditions for things you are creating, and partner with the universe to unfold them.

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