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Life is trying to guide you

May 22, 2023

Video Summary:

As we continue around the Medicine Wheel from spring into summer, it's a vitally important time in our cycle of creation. In the spring, we offered an intention for the new things we would like to create in our lives. Now Life, Spirit, or the universe will begin to provide doorways, possibilities, and opportunities.

So the trick of this phase of things is seeing the new doorways when they appear. It's really easy to miss or discount the new doorways because they often come in a form different than we're expecting and the way that we envisioned them.

We tend to envision the new thing in our lives in pictures which is really productive in the spring. But then as we move into the summer, sometimes the things we want come in a different form and we don’t see them. Or perhaps we see them but immediately discount them because they are not what we pictured.

Our beliefs and the way we think things are going to unfold limit our ability to see possibilities and doorways. Additionally, our mind tends to like a linear sequential order in the way things unfold. You can think of this metaphorically as our mind playing two-dimensional chess, while Life plays three-dimensional chess.

So our mind often wants a rational, sequential order. It thinks, "We need this before we can do that; we need A in order to get to B." But Life doesn't need to work that way. It will give us things in different orders than we're used to.

So when doorways present themselves to us, we may not notice them because they're not in the sequential order we’re expecting. So we discount them and just say, “Well, that can't be it, because I haven't done this yet. And I know I have to do this and this before I can have that.”

So it's really important to see beyond this tendency to get an open view of the possibilities and not discount them. And it's weird because when we have a belief about the way something's going to come, it creates blind spots, and we don't see the most obvious things right in front of us.

One of the ways we can remedy this is when we interact with other people. They may respond in a way that counteracts our blind spots. They have a different perspective and their mind works differently than ours. They're also more objective and have fresh eyes as they’re just hearing about our situation.

They may say, “Well what about this?” And, perhaps their perspective will resonate with us. It seems to work best when people have a natural response such as, “Why would you do that? Why don't you just do this?”

My spiritual truth is this is how Spirit or Life talks to us. We get in a flow and we're sharing our journey with other people. It's a way that we can receive guidance to see doorways and possibilities that we would've missed on our own. That's the value of sharing what's going on with you with other people.

Sometimes the person that's talking to us isn't even consciously guiding us. They may be just sharing something about their life, and we hear something that resonates with us. And sometimes something clicks when we hear ourselves share our situation with them.

Life is so resourceful. Whether you see it as your inner consciousness, higher self, or spirit guide, it's trying to get your attention. It'll use anything to get your attention and guide you. So there are all these clues that are happening all around you. If you open yourself up to them, you can hear what Life is saying to you.

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