Live Your Dream in the Present
Apr 30, 2024Video Summary:
My teacher shared a teaching with me that stated when we have a dream or intention, our mind creates a picture of it that we walk toward to create it in our lives. It continues that we need the picture to envision the dream, but at some point, it's necessary to let go of the picture so the real thing can manifest.
When we have a long-term intention or dream, we create a plan to walk toward. Say you want to be a spiritual healer. You may plan to study with a teacher, take a training program, or study with a shaman in South America. Then at some point, you may feel that you actually are a legitimate shamanic healer.
There's a challenge with this because being a spiritual healer is in the future. And the future is always out in front of you. Even when you become a shamanic healer, you still may not feel like you're enough of a shamanic healer, and set a new goal. Thus there’s a tendency for it to always be out in front of you.
So an alternative approach with this example would be if you want to be a shamanic healer, you could ask yourself how can you be a shamanic healer today? Even if you have not completed your study or training? Because maybe you're already a shamanic healer, but it just hasn't taken form yet.
When you had the dream or intention or signed up for the course, perhaps the energy of being a shamanic healer awakened in you. Further, the essence or potentiality of being a healer was likely already present in you before then, but then it awakened or became alive when you dreamed it.
The key to being a shamanic healer in the present is to tune into the essence and the energy of it. Of course, the way that you are a shamanic healer today is going to be different than your picture. And it's going to be different than it will be a year or two from now when you complete your training.
Since you embody the essence of being a shamanic healer, you can take the healing energy that's in your heart and send that to your friend who is having a bad day. So now you're being a shamanic healer in the present and not waiting for a year or two. You can be a shamanic healer every day in different ways.
For another example, say you want like an intimate relationship. You could ask yourself how can you have a relationship today? You could identify qualities you want for a relationship. You could inquire as to the essence of that relationship is already awake inside of you.
Even if you're not with your soulmate, it's determining how you can experience being in a relationship now. Perhaps it's a relationship with yourself, or it may be a sense of intimacy and sharing yourself with a friend, date, or coworker. Perhaps you could experience partnership by being part of a team at work.
So you're experiencing your relationship now. When the actual soulmate person comes, it will have a different form. You may experience relationships with several people while dating before you get to the soulmate. With each one, you're experiencing relationship. Every day it may have a different form.
My theory is that these experiences of being a healer, having a relationship, or other dream in the present actually bring about the long-term picture, ideal, or intention more effectively. We're allowing our dream to happen every day, and not projecting it out into the future. It can develop experientially and naturally.