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Personal Power

Feb 12, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So I want to explore personal power and sometimes what I call standing in our power. But first of all, I want to look at some of the common conceptions about power culturally and how we think about power.

So when I speak of personal power, I'm talking about a natural power, the power of our being. It naturally emanates from us when we have our heart open, when we're speaking our truth, and when we're acting in accordance to our truth and our call for action. The natural effect that we have on people and things around us is our personal power.

And I want to differentiate that from how power sometimes is in our culture. When we say someone's on a “power trip”, I would call it more egotistical power if you will. And it has a totally different intention. Its intention is to have an effect on things or even manipulate things and people. It's outcome-focused; it wants to make things happen.

Whereas personal power isn't attached to the outcome, it just kind of trusts- which is the key secret ingredient to personal power. It trusts that if it's true to itself, if I'm true to my heart, then it will have the effect that it needs to have. And then that natural power just kind of emanates from us.

Another thing I want to talk about is that I is what comes up when I work with people when they go to stand in their personal power, it can be a little scary.

Because first of all, you do have to trust. And it does require speaking your truth, even if other people might not like it. And that in itself is scary. Acting on your gut feeling and what you feel is right, finding this ethic that comes from your heart rather than something that's based on external values.

That is scary in itself, but also I think it's the energy itself of our personal power, of our true power, that can be a little scary. Because well, it's powerful. And it has kind of a life of its own. And it's not as easy for us to anticipate and control things.

When we're in our personal power, it feels like we're losing control, and in a way we are, but it's a good losing control. It's more of a surrender. And it's back to trusting that if I'm right with myself and I'm in my power in a good way, good things will happen- even though I don't understand what they are.

And that is a little scary, and just the energy itself of it. I saw this really cool video the other day of a ferocious bear. It just like came out and the power of that animal, was just like, whoa! And not that our power is always ferocious, but it’s unbridled. And it's wild. Sometimes, it can feel wild and unbridled and it can be ferocious.

It means business, and that can be a little scary. And I think our fear is that if we unleash that, which is what it feels like, it might hurt other people. It's almost trusting spirit, trusting God, that if I'm acting in accordance with the power of my being, and I'm true to myself, it won't bring harm.

On the contrary, it brings healing and it brings justice and we're standing up for people we need to stand up for. And it can be ferocious, but see it's the intention.

If my intention is to be right with myself and to have a natural effect on the things around me, then my intention is correct- versus an intention where I want to control things, or I want to make things happen, which is when things go haywire. So it can be a little scary.

That is my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have an awesome week and that you tune into your personal power and how it's trying to express itself. What is your heart saying that needs to be said? And how can you just allow that to emanate from you? I will see you in a week.

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