Specific Intention
Dec 26, 2023Video Summary:
Happy belated Winter Solstice- it happened on December 21st. To me, the Winter Solstice is about the first light. It's a celebration of the light. This is a little paradoxical because the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. But it's a celebration of the return of the light, the new light, the light of the next cycle.
The new light is the energy of your new life, your new way of being. It's the energy of the next cycle that you're being introduced to. So it's a really exciting time because you're getting a glimpse and feeling the energy of your new life that's awakening and that you're being born into.
So it's a great time of year to talk about intention because out of this energy, you're going to have the opportunity to create a new intention for your new life.
The other day I was doing a form of meditation (or shamanic journey) where I connect with and receive counsel from Spirit. My intention for these meditations is simply, “What do I need to know and understand?” And what I heard very clearly was, “Your intention needs to be more specific.”
The nature of these meditations is two-way. Sometimes I let Spirit know that I have concerns with what is being said. So I responded that I was resistant to intention being specific because I associate specificity with form. My familiar is to find the essence of the intention and let the specific form unfold.
I heard, “You need to be really specific with the energy of your intention, with the feeling of your intention. Be specific with that.” So this went back and forth for a while, and I realized that a specific intention is not necessarily form-specific. It can be the specific feeling and vibration of the intention.
A really good way to access the specific feeling of an intention is to think about the thing that you want. For example, if you want a new relationship you could think of an experience that you enjoy. I might envision a romantic evening of talking, having a glass of wine, and looking into each other's eyes.
From there it’s noticing the feeling of that connection and intimacy and then informing the universe, “That's what I want. That’s the feeling of it.”
So then, when you offer your intention, focusing on this feeling provides really clear information. The vibration of that feeling and of that energy is really powerful and helps the universe to provide the thing that you want. Now it can accurately offer doorways, experiences, and people to provide that.
For another example, say you're a healer and you want more clients. You can think of the type of work you want to do and envision yourself doing this work with someone. Then you can inquire, “What is the feeling, energy, and vibration of that?” Then you can offer that feeling as part of your intention.
You're saying, “Universe, I want this feeling. This is the energy and vibration of the thing I want.” Now that vibration can seek like vibration and attract clients who are looking for that type of healing. It's a very pure intention because it's providing the energy and essence of the healing you want to provide.
So be specific on the feeling of the intention when you're offering it. Spend some time identifying the feeling and vibration of it. What's the feeling of the healing you want to offer? What are the elements of the clients that you want to work with?
So it’s the Winter Solstice, and that first light is rising and awakening in you and in the world. It’s the perfect time to think about what you would like to have in your life. Envision an experience of it and then offer that energy. And don’t be shy because the universe is naturally generous and abundant.