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Spring Vision

Mar 19, 2023

Video Summary:

Happy springtime and happy Spring Equinox. It's a really sacred time on the Medicine Wheel and on the planet. In my tradition, the spring equinox is the east gate on the Medicine Wheel. It's where we enter the Medicine Wheel to begin a new cycle in our lives.

If you look at nature in the springtime, animals are being born, plants are sprouting, and new life is happening. It's been dormant in hibernation for the winter, and now it's coming to life. Since we are part of nature, the springtime energy of blooming and coming to life is also happening inside of us.

It's a time when we intentionally create our new life, new cycle, and new year. Thus it's a creative, masculine, and yang energy time of year. But since there's always an interplay between the feminine and the masculine, the yin and the yang, we can also draw on feminine energy to create our new lives.

In the spring, we're going to create a new cycle by offering an intention to create a partnership with life or spirit. We might create this partnership by saying, “Hey, I want to create this thing with you, Spirit. I want to create something together.” And that's what starts the ball rolling.

When we go to offer our intention, it immediately begets the question, “Well, what am I going to create? What am I going ask for?” And to determine that we can draw on receptive, feminine energy to receive a vision for our new life.

So today in this video, I want to focus on the receiving your vision part of Spring Equinox, which is more feminine, and then next week I want to work with the creative offering of an intention that is more masculine in nature.

So we're receiving information and a vision for our new life. You may have heard of Vision Quest which is a Native American ceremony where you seek your vision. The intention is to receive your vision from Spirit.

Similar to a Vision Quest, you could draw on meditation, a shamanic journey, or a guided meditation perhaps. You could guide yourself or sit out in nature and just ask and receive. One of the Lakota prayers I really like is, “Show me my path and give me the courage to follow it.”

Another way to receive your vision is what I call spiritual inquiry or self-inquiry. That's where we ask Spirit or life a question such as “What is my purpose?” And then we listen for the answer. The answer could come right away, or it could come five days from now when you're in the shower or on a bike ride.

Another way to receive your vision is to notice what's been coming to you. Did you ever notice that all of a sudden different things just start coming to you? People might offer you new jobs, or people attractive to you start showing interest in you.

It probably has something to do with you and the vibration and energy you're giving off. The flip side of this is to notice what you're drawn to and attracted to. When you're really passionate about something, it’s like a vision. It's a clue about what you might want to create.

These are all ways that you can receive information, clarity, and vision for your new life and journey around the Medicine Wheel.

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