The New You is Bigger than You
May 30, 2021Video Blog Transcription:
Welcome to the Natural Way of Being video blog. This video is titled, “The New You is Bigger than You.” So there's this new thing that's trying to awaken in you, but it's bigger than the way you see yourself. I think this is one of the most obvious and yet most overlooked parts of making change, especially if it's a spiritual change.
If I'm growing spiritually, (we'll use myself as an example), what my mind might think is, “I'm just going to get this new Mike and put it in place of the old Mike.” It's like getting a new iPhone or a new car model. I might think that the new Mike's going to be cooler and happier and better, but it's going to fit right in the place where the old Mike used to fit.
And that's really not the way it works when we're doing spiritual growth. The new Mike or the new you is going to be bigger, it's going to be more expansive than the Mike that's here right now. That's just the way things seem to be.
And so I think there's this real tendency to try to fit the new you, the new vision of yourself, the new thing that's coming to you, to try to fit it into the space where the old you has been residing, and it doesn't fit.
As my teacher used to say, “You can't compress the dharma into your little world.” In other words, you can't compress this new, more expansive spiritual self into the place that your old self was. It doesn't fit.
So what we need to do, perhaps, is make room for it. We need to expand ourselves and suspend some of the beliefs about ourselves: our identity, our limiting beliefs, the way we see ourselves, the things we like, the things we don't like.
We may need to suspend some of these things to make room for something larger. And if we don't do this, what we tend to do is push the new thing away.
So the way this typically frameworks itself is the new things come in the form of possibilities. The new Mike, the new you, the new vision of ourselves, the new thing that's trying to awaken in you, comes to you in the form of possibilities. And a lot of these possibilities, since it's a bigger you that's coming to you, are going to be a little outside the box.
These new possibilities won't fit into our current sense of ourselves, our current identity, and our current way we see ourselves. It's going to be outside of that.
And if we aren't willing to expand those things, we tend to push those possibilities away, which is unfortunate because then we don't create room for the new us, if you will, the new you to come into our lives and to awaken.
So this discounting the new possibilities thing, I hear it all the time in my sessions, sharing circles, and when I'm working with people. Sometimes I might be the one that's suggesting the new possibility or Spirit is, or they're getting this idea.
And these new things are coming to them, and part of them is drawn to it because they can feel the vitality in the life of it, but then they're like, “Oh, I could never do that.” I hear those words very often in my sessions.
Or it's things about what they do and don't do. It might be, “I don't do online dating. I just don't do that.” It’s like we have these like rules. Or it might be, “I could never move right now. That's just not even an option.” And they just look at me like, “Dude, don't even think about it. Don't go there. I'm not going to move.” And so then that just kind of pushes that possibility away.
So the thing that I want to suggest when new possibilities come to you, is to just suspend your rules for yourself, suspend your notions of yourself, your identity, your beliefs, about who you are and who you're not, what you do, and what you don't do.
It doesn't mean you need to act on them. Right now, we're just dreaming a little bit. We're suspending them, kind of like “What if I did allow this? And what would that be like if I did allow it? What if I did move?” And just kind of spitball with it a little bit, just kind of dream and imagine it.
Let your mind know that it gets the final say; it gets the veto power. So let your mind be in its comfort zone and tell it, “Dude, it's okay. You're going to get the final say here, but let's just dream a little bit." What if I did move? What if I did allow myself to try something new that I've never really allowed before. I wonder what would happen then? What would it be like?
And what that does is it allows the energy of the possibility to come in, into your being, and you can start feeling it a little bit. And then there may even be other options, and you might not even have to break your rules as much as you think.
But don't discount it before you can even consider it, before you can even feel it, before you can even dream about it. Let it in, and then just let yourself know that you can always decide not to act on it later on. It's not a trap.
And so this is my invitation. Allow these possibilities in, consider them, and see what they feel like. And then you get to see, “What is trying to awaken in me? What are the new possibilities? What are they saying? And who’s the new person that they're helping me to unfold.
So anyway, that is my video blog for this week. I wish you a great week where you allow yourself to see new possibilities, suspending those old beliefs enough, so you can feel them and kind of roll around in them a little bit. So, anyway, thanks for listening. And I'll see you next week.