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The Pure Masculine

Jan 17, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:


Someone asked an excellent question in last week's Sharing Circle, and it had to do with the pure masculine energy. And just to be clear, when I say the pure masculine or the pure feminine, it's about an energy that exists in all of us regardless of the body we're in, there's this pure energy that we can tap into.

I think the key to understanding the pure masculine is in terms of intention. If I had to pick one word, you know, to describe the masculine, it would be intention. And, you can discern whether it's kind of a pure or a less pure or a more distorted, or maybe even haywire masculinity, by its intention.

And by intention, what I mean is the pure masculine goes inside to find its pure intention. It has integrity, and it feels and intuits its true intention. And then the pure masculine is willing to express that clearly and strongly. It speaks its truth. It doesn't hold back.

And it doesn't have misguided compassion and worry about hurting people's feelings. hurt people's feelings. It's truly compassionate, but it's willing to speak the truth. It has the strength to look someone in the eye and be straight with them.

In contrast, I would also talk about less healthy masculine energies in terms of intention.

One affliction to the masculine is what I'd call passive intent. And this is where we either don't care about, or we have too much fear to really engage and speak our intention and act on our intention. So we just kind of sit on the sidelines and let it pass without stepping in and being a part of the experiences that we're in.

Another affliction is what I would call willful intent. And this is the other side of the continuum from passive. This is where we are willfully intending, and we’re pushing and controlling and making it happen. And when intention becomes willful, it's no longer pure anymore.

In other words, true intention, pure intention, or pure masculinity speak its truth, but it's not really attached to the outcome. It doesn't need people to do anything with it. Its job is to speak the truth, act on it, and be true to itself.

And then it realizes that there’s nothing it can do with what people do with it, which is I think where it goes a little haywire with willful intention. Willful intention is a different type of intention. It's not just pure intention, it's intention is outcome-focused, or outcome-based.

So it says it to make something happen, whereas the pure masculine would just say it because it needs to be said. It says, “I experienced this, I'm feeling this, this is what my knowing and my intuition is saying, so I have a responsibility to speak that truth or to act on that call for action that I'm experiencing.”

But that's as far as it goes, it just does it for its own sake. It does it because we feel like they need to say it or need to act on it. Whereas willful intention is very much related to getting a certain result and it gets into control and power misuse of power.

Whereas the true masculine would be right use of power, standing in our personal power. Where willful intent into darker forms of power, power over other people, and control. A lot of the patriarchal destruction of our planet and our culture could be attributed to willful intent.

Where people with willful intent may think they know what's best for the rest of the world or claim their stake in the world. "The world is my oyster and it’s there for me to claim and own," that gets unhealthy.

So if you ever want to know in yourself (or someone else) what extent you're in alignment with your pure masculine, look at your intent. Is it clear? Do you get it from inside (not outside) and dig deep enough in yourself until it feels clear and pure? And then do you have the courage to express it?

And even if it's upsetting to people, saying it with compassion with gentleness, but saying what needs to be said, caring enough to look someone in the eye and say, “This is how I see it.”

So that is my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have an awesome week and that you take time to find out what that intention is in you, and then have the courage to speak and act on it. I will see you in a week.

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