Trust is a Choice
Oct 04, 2021Video Blog Transcription:
My teacher used to say that clarity and confusion exist right in front of us at any given moment and that it's up to us to choose which of these we access. Do we choose a clear mind or do we choose a confused mind? They're both right here.
And really trusting yourself and self-doubt are the same way; they're both possibilities at any given moment. So it's really a choice. Do we choose to trust ourselves, or do we choose to doubt ourselves? So trusting your heart and trusting yourself is ultimately a choice.
We think we have this issue of doubting ourselves, but it's really a choice. So sure it takes a little practice to discern the difference between the two so you get a clear choice.
But most of the time when we doubt ourselves, we have the ability to trust ourselves and to go with what our heart is telling us to do, but we choose not to.
So why would we do such a thing? I mean, why would we choose self-doubt over trusting ourselves when we get a choice. It doesn't really make much sense.
And I think the reason is that it takes a lot of courage to trust your heart and to trust your intuition and to act on it, even when it's going against the grain of what makes sense to do in a given situation.
It takes a willingness to risk and put yourself out there. I mean, what if you're wrong? I mean, what if you hurt someone's feelings? What if you aren't translating it correctly? Or if it's not totally right. It takes a lot of courage to act on that.
I mean, after all, our gut feeling, our intuition, is often not in line with our intellect anyway. It seems a little off by its very nature. So it’s kind of radical to do this off-the-wall thing. It often feels like it's out of context, and it doesn't make sense to our heads. We think, “Why would I say that?” So it takes a lot of courage.
So ultimately choosing to doubt yourself over trusting yourself gives us a pass. Then we don't have to take responsibility for acting on our gut feeling.
And that feeling that comes to us is often pretty honest, right? It's usually this no bullshit, “here it is”, kind of response. And it takes a lot of courage to speak your truth, your raw, unedited truth. And to just lay it out there.
And inevitably we feel vulnerable. We feel exposed because we're not hiding how we feel. We're not hiding our truth. We're just kind of laying it out there for people to see. They're going to see how we are, how we feel, and our creative new idea. It feels rather raw and exposed.
So there we are, we're like right on the precipice. We're right on the edge between trusting ourselves and doubting ourselves. We think, “Which way do I go? I can see convincing arguments for both.” And this is happening fast too, by the way.
And right about that time is when your inner self-doubt lays out some really convincing arguments about how the thing you're going to trust might not be right.
We think: “What if this? And what if that? And the stakes are high. If it's not right, it's really going to make some people uncomfortable, or it might hurt someone's feelings. So it's much better to just keep that to yourself and doubt yourself. That way you don't hurt anyone.”
But the thing is, there's are really high costs when we doubt ourselves, and it affects the world. The world loses when you don't speak your truth. The world needs you to speak your truth and to lay it on the line, to trust yourself, and to act on what comes to you. It brings sanity into a crazy world. It brings clarity into a really confused world, you know?
So I say, what the hell, let it rip (easy for me to say), but let it rip and let the chips fall where they need to. And speak your truth and trust yourself. The world will be a better place. Ultimately your friends will appreciate you in the long run (hopefully). But either way, you made the world a better place.
So anyway, that is my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have an awesome week and that you have the courage to trust yourself and act and speak your truth. And anyway, I will see you in a week.