The Weak Controlling the Strong
Nov 14, 2022Video Summary:
I want to start with the possibility that you are way stronger than you realize. True strength is accessed when you go inside yourself and find your connection to life. You are in alignment with life, and life can flow through you.
I want to contrast this with what I'm going to call contrived strength or manufactured strength. And while true strength is accessed by going inside, contrived or manufactured strength is sought outside. It's the strength of having power over people and things.
A crisis in our culture right now is we've mistaken contrived strength for true strength. We’re empowering contrived strength, which is weak because it's not connected to life. So we're allowing the weak to control the strong.
We may see such contrived strength in the form of financial power, administrative power, political power, or corporate power. And while these things are powerful, I would argue that they're not true power.
The problem with contrived strength is that it’s disconnected from life. It has its own agenda and is not thinking about what's best for the whole and for the people. It’s thinking about what's best for someone's corporation, portfolio, or self-interest.
So we have an inversion of power where the weak are controlling the strong. In contrast, in aboriginal culture, a warrior has their place and is the strongest physically. They could kick the butt of everyone else in the clan and kill the most people if they were at war, but are not the ones leading the people.
It was the shaman or chief that led the people. It was the person that went on a vision quest to seek a vision for the people. They may have prayed, "Show me a path for my people. Show me a vision so I can lead them in a good way.” Their consideration of what's best for their people qualifies them to lead.
Why is it that the weak control the strong? It’s because the strong allows the weak to control it. So we are complicit in allowing the weak to control us. This is important because if we are allowing it, we can change it. So the true inquiry is, "Why do we allow the weak to control the strong?"
One possibility is that you were conditioned to do that as a little kid. You were connected to life, and yet you were dependent upon your parents, teachers, and adults who may or may not have been in their true strength. Perhaps, you got in the habit of letting them lead and giving them your power.
It also could be misguided compassion or codependency where we are protecting the people that are in power in our family or in our relationship or community. Perhaps we don't have the heart to just tell 'em that they're not as strong as they think they are because we sense their insecurity and back off.
Lastly, it might the fear that if I start leading from power, I may be shunned or abandoned. Maybe my relationship won't survive. Maybe my community or my church won't allow me to be in it. Maybe my parents or siblings won't talk to me. Maybe my kids won't allow me to see my grandchildren anymore.
The world desperately needs the truly strong to be leaders. The world needs you to lead it. Spirit needs you to be an ambassador of true strength and to reclaim the power for your people. It needs you to start leading from a place of strength, connection, and beauty.