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What Are You Harvesting?

Sep 28, 2020

It's the time of harvest! In order to complete this cycle of the medicine wheel, we have to claim the value we have been developing in ourselves. This video explores the value you have created this past year (even if you did not realize it).

Now I am going to assume it has been an interesting year for you. With COVID, quarantines, and social distancing, our ways of socializing and interacting have been severely altered.

But make no mistake, you still developed something powerful and significant in yourself. You still have something that's essential to harvest.

Now is the time to harvest or glean the value of what you have been working with. Claiming its value or 'getting the lesson' creates completion.

So what is the value of you spending more time with yourself? What has it allowed to develop in yourself?

What is the value of spending more (or perhaps less) time with your family?

And... what is the value of feeling loneliness, isolation, or sadness?

One of my friends says the added time with herself has led to her feeling more comfortable in her own skin. So now she can claim that for herself, and integrate it into her life.

So dig deep! What is it time to harvest? What is it time to celebrate? Make this most interesting of years count!

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