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Trust Life

Nov 15, 2021

Video Blog Transcription:

It's a beautiful day here in Bend, Oregon and so I'm outside today. When I'm creating something in my life, I like to think of it as a partnership with life, spirit, God, or the universe. And, as the creator, I have my part, and that's to have a clear intention and then to offer that intention.

And then it's helpful to let life do some of the heavy-lifting, to partner with life, and let it help you unfold the thing that you intend, the thing you'd like to create. And what I've been noticing in this process is the importance of trust, of trusting life, Spirit, God, to do its part.

And so what I’ve noticed is that I'll put up an intention, and I'll offer it, and life accepts that intention, and we've got this partnership. But what happens is if I don't get quick results, my mind wants quick results. Maybe it's the world we live in, we want results, right?

Or if I don't notice the results, maybe they come to me, but I don't see them, and I get impatient. And so this is what tests and tries my trust in life. I start saying, “It seems like nothing's really happening here. I put up this intention, but nothing's really happening.”

So then what I do is I start forcing it a little more. It's like, “Well if nothing's happening, I'm going to make something happen.” And, when I force it, it pushes the thing that I'm trying to create away, right? Because I'm no longer flowing with it, I'm no longer partnering, I'm no longer allowing it to unfold with life. I'm now forcing it.

And I kind of get in my own way is what we used to call it and start trying to make it happen. And energetically, if I'm pushing my energy and forcing it, that pushes the thing that I'm trying to create away, which of course reinforces the fact that nothing's happening. And so then I tend to force it more.

And so I really am finding it important to trust my partner, to trust life, to trust spirit. If I'm going to partner with life to create something together, I've got to trust it more. And, really it's about deepening my trust.

If I really trust life and think that life will create this thing with me, that life's got my back and it's truly my partner, then I'm more apt to patiently allow it to unfold, even if it doesn't happen right away. Because life is always playing the long game. My mind wants instant gratification, it wants results, and we want it fast.

But Life is playing the long game. It sees that if I want to create something, but maybe I'm not mature enough to hold the thing, and then it'll give me a lesson to make me stronger so that when I do create the thing, I can hold it. And so it has this plan; it's seeing the long game.

And so if I can trust life to do its job. My job is to put out the intention, wait for doors to open, and step into them when they open. Life's job is to receive the intention, allow the magic to happen, and allow things to unfold. So I don't have to do anything to make it happen. That’s life's job.

I got to quit doing life's job. Do my job, and let life do its job, and then we can create something together. But in order to do that, I have to trust. I have to trust life, even when it seems like nothing's happening.

So anyway, that is my video for this week. Thank you for watching. I hope you have a really wonderful week and that you're able to trust life and trust spirit to partner with it and allow some really cool things to unfold in your life. So I will see you in a week.

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