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Insist on Respect Video Blog Aug 27, 2019

In this video, Michael Hoffman speaks about the necessity of insisting that people treat your open heart with respect. We ultimately choose how people treat us by what we allow and disallow in our interactions with them.

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Own Your Openness Video Blog Aug 20, 2019

I speak about the importance of being conscious of when you are open and when you shut down. This allows the choice of walking with your heart open and being connected to life.

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How Much Beauty Can You Stand? Jul 03, 2019
There were some tough lessons at the Summer Solstice Ceremonies this year. Challenging and painful, but critically important.
Several days into our gathering, Ann Coughlin and Eve Costello conducted a series of ceremonies that guided me deep into the beauty of my heart. After each...
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Letting Go of Propping Things Up Jun 05, 2019

We live in a vigilant culture. We are inclined to believe that if we do not prop things up, everything will fall apart. We come by this honestly. Our vigilance may be necessary on the make-ends-meet level.

However, it turns out we are not wired that way at the emotional and spiritual levels. On...

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Spring Intentions Apr 01, 2019

Are you ready for spring? In my tradition of the medicine wheel, the new year starts in the spring. Spring is when a new cycle of your life is born. This is readily apparent in nature with plants sprouting and animals giving birth in the spring.

To be clear, spring is when the essence of your...

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Open Doorways and the Best-laid Plans Dec 04, 2018

Whether we realize it or not, we carry an intention for the things we want in our life. Life is constantly partnering with us to actualize the thing we intend for ourselves. Life is perpetually guiding us to what we intend by presenting doorways for us to step into. 


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What's going on inside? Oct 31, 2018

This coming weekend we will set our clocks forward, and it will get dark an hour earlier in the evening. This seems to be the time of year when it begins to hit us that winter and shorter days are here.

With increased darkness and longer nights, winter is a natural time of introspection- a time...

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Unexpected Transitions and Windows of Openness Mar 14, 2018

An unexpected transition occurs when something happens that forces you to reevaluate and change your life. When things are going well, there is little incentive to make a personal change. 

But then life happens. Just when you think your life is stable, something upsets your apple...

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Unconditional Openness: An Honest Conversation with Myself Dec 14, 2017

I woke up with the thought, "What if I was just totally open and supportive to my friend?”

Then, a part of me pulled back and thought, “I will wait to do that after I see if another piece falls into place in our friendship.”

I continued the conversation with myself: Hold on, why...

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The Cultural Value of a Vision Apr 17, 2017

A vision is when you experience a specific possibility as a potential for yourself. It has to have the element of it being possible for you. 

It may come in the form of an idea, a dream, or a realization such as an "aha experience." Vision is direct communication from Life...

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Living in the Big World Oct 12, 2016

The notion of the big world came from interacting with my cat when I lived in Oceanside, California.

There was a fenced-in area on my patio that she could be outside but still protected. But if she went out the gate she was in the Big World. There were coyotes out there.

While she liked the...

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Bringing your Whole Being- Not Segmenting Sep 16, 2016

We tend to adjust who we are and what we say based on the people and setting that we are in. We often segment ourselves by allowing some parts of ourselves and excluding others in various interactions.

We may dumb ourselves down or become more sarcastic to fit with the folks that we are with. We...

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