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Engage People Mar 07, 2022

Video Summary:

So I want to talk about engaging people for the purpose of connection. By engaging, I mean reaching out to them and initiating an interaction with them. It’s being vulnerable and saying, “Hey, how's it going?”

People are generally wary when someone reaches...

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Community-Based Purpose Feb 27, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So last week I spoke about community, and I want to continue that discussion- specifically as it relates to spirituality and spiritual purpose. The best illustration of this is in the Aboriginal cultures- the Native American cultures of North and South...

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Supportive Community Feb 20, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So I want to start with a story. So the spiritual tradition that I've been a part of for most of my life always had summer solstice gatherings. We used to do spring Equinox gatherings as well. Initially, we used to have circles in different cities- one in...

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Personal Power Feb 12, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So I want to explore personal power and sometimes what I call standing in our power. But first of all, I want to look at some of the common conceptions about power culturally and how we think about power.

So when I speak of personal power, I'm talking about...

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Hearing Intent 2 Feb 06, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

One of the things that I've really been looking at in myself and with my clients and friends is that when things were not getting what we want in a connection with another human being. It could be a relationship, friendship, business partnership, or...

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Embrace What You Feel Jan 31, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:


So I'm hearing a lot in spirituality these days about being present, having clear intention, and being empathetic and connected. And while these are all really powerful things, when we enter an experience I think we often discount or even deny some of the...

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On Life's Terms Jan 21, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:


So I want to venture a little deeper into what actually may happen when we offer an intention. So say there's something that I want for myself, and I offer up an intention. That creates a partnership with Life (Spirit, God, the universe). So when you...

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The Pure Masculine Jan 17, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:


Someone asked an excellent question in last week's Sharing Circle, and it had to do with the pure masculine energy. And just to be clear, when I say the pure masculine or the pure feminine, it's about an energy that exists in all of us regardless of the...

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Letting Go of Potential Jan 11, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So I think many of the people watching this video have awakened some spiritual gifts. And one of these gifts that I think many of you likely have awakened is the gift of vision, the gift of perception, and being a visionary if you will.

And what I mean by...

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Thinking and Feeling Jan 02, 2022

Video Blog Transcription:

So I want to contrast and explore two different ways that we come to understand things or even make important decisions about things. And I'm gonna simplify it by talking about using our heads and using our hearts.

So I wanna start with our head, because...

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Being Understood Dec 19, 2021

Video Blog Transcription:

So I was doing this guided meditation the other day. It was actually a friend of mine named Anne Coughlin who does these really cool guided meditations. And the idea is to inquire with spirit and get wisdom from your spirit guides and from spirit.

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Pointing to the Moon Dec 13, 2021

Video Blog Transcription:

So there's this really cool teaching in Buddhism, and I'm gonna try to try to talk about it here. So it really applies to using a Buddhist teaching, really any spiritual teaching for that matter, and it uses this metaphor of a finger pointing to the moon....

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